Saturday, May 29, 2004
- 12:09 AM
urghh! so pissed with myself..she's juz too good in getting things out from me..and she juz did it juz now...i told her..yahh...confessed! and i feel so..stupid now..u said ur relationship with tt guy wasnt goin tt well..i thot i could help? help i did...but sadly it made me fall for u..i told u..i din want to say..but u still had to get it out from me.. i guess wat u frens say is true..u are good at doin tt..haii..and u might think that u are not wat i said tt u are..but in my eyes thatz how i feel.. xi huan yi ge ren jiu yao gen ta jiang..budden...haiii....disappointed maybe?? it shldnt have happened this way..wat am i to do now????? urgHhh!! pissed................................... anywayz...
Your lips, your smile, your tenderness
The way you walk, I can't resist your style
When I sleep at night, I dream of you
I wake up wet, thinking of you
How can a man like me
Convince a girl like you
To be his lover and one and only
How can I make you see
That I'm the one for you
And nobody does it like me
Hey pretty girl
Can I be your man tonight
Hey pretty mama
Can I sleep with you tonight
Hey Pretty Girl...By Babyface..Cant seem to find the song..
May anne---Westlife...reminds mi of her..i hear westlife already..may anne comes to my mind..
natassja---this bummer ahh...i was a yeah yeah girl..haha..
peiyu!---avril..sk8er boy..
qing yun--cry me a river..justin~
rebecca---busted..slpin with the lights on
reina..--picture..kid rock..
rizal..---i need a girl to ride ride song..haha..
shaun cousin..---cleaning out my closet..eminem..
shaun other cousin..19-2000..gorillaz..
k..thatz all for today..haa..
Thursday, May 27, 2004
- 1:32 AM
I'm Ross Gellar from Friends!
Take the Friends Quiz here.
created by
im ross!! i always liked ross! haha.. loved his dinosaur talk.. heehh!!
Thursday, May 20, 2004
- 11:04 PM
hMm..ok lemme continue..i ended at jo last time rite? heehh..
joaquim-- uptown girl..heehh! juz look at the way she dresses..haha..
jordan-- hey ya! outkast..
joy-- crush on u..mandy moore..well..i admit..i did have a lil crush on her..heeh!
karen--lau shi zao..tong xue men hao..wo men kai shi shang ke song lor.. haha..future chinese cher lehh...
kuntoro--drift away..uncle kracker..
lana aka jinzhen--at the beginning..donna lewis and richard marx..
layhoon!! --- dilemma lah!! wat else!! haha..nelly feat. kelly rowland..and bump bump bump aso! by b2k..haha..
leslie-- rock dj...robbie!
liting hpt--santa monica..still rem tt time she fell in love with tt song..
k lah...tired le..heehh!! byby~
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
- 1:25 AM
this is a muz blog entry!!......NIP/TUCK...guess wat the show's all abt? u might think that itz some crap show again..or some secret agent..1 named nip..the other tuck.. But no!!! hell no!!!! u are wrong..! dead wrong!!!! itz abt plastic surgery!!! and...the really show how the plastic surgeon works!! they really cut the person up! peel the skin of....poke needles into the faces...cutting off facial skin...patchin here and there...and even slicin up the person's ass..cos she wanted firmer a firmer butt!!! yuckssss!!!!!!!!! and the slotting the silicon into the butt part!!!! was show on live tv!!!!!! eeeeeeee!!!!!!! and..this drug syndicate wanted to have a total body makeover..went to these 2 guys and paid them with cocaine money! wa lauuuu...... he had his face totally changed...and it was so so so so real.....then aft the surgery..he wanted his tummy fats to be removed!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! gruuuuuuusome!!!!!!!!!!! the surgeon poked this stick thru his belly button...and started pushin in and out..and the sound.........ohhh man!!!! i could juz faint!!! had a lil cold sweat! remember!! dun watch it when u are havin supper at the same time........... walauuuu!!!!! i dunno if i can slp tonite man!! so..... yuck!!!!!!!!! nite maree...dammitt..!!!
but the show is nice lah..very realistic..haha..showz the everyday life of a plastic surgeon..wat troubles he goes thru..all tt..not spendin enuff time with the family..esp when u have growing kids..yahh... rating...?? 3.5 stars! haha...out of 5..
Sunday, May 16, 2004
- 11:51 PM
the OC rocks!! and 1 world to describe it.. spectacular!! the setting was great, the hall was changed into a ballroom..the only thing lackin was afew people dancing in the middle..but everything was juz so glam! so neaty cool..and phs has their own radio station! heehh.. gary, the future dj here.. hey! i have tt dream k~ haha...
okok..i shall continue with my songs section..lemme see where did i end.. heehh..
iSaac----yOu will nv walk alone! Liverpool's theme song..
ivaN---my eX neighbour..he's a real slim shady man!
jacKy---thE ex pHs baskEtballer..oF cos a bball song..ehh...thatZ how i beat shaq..aaron carter! cute lil small boy..and a cute song too..
jAmesOn---remember him bringing a guitar to sch and singing how deep is ur love? yahh..shld be tt wan..heeh~
janIce(NP)---flavour of the week! american Hi Fi..!! haha..shE rockS!
janIce(AUS)---hmmmm....i misssss u like crazyyy...moffatts! i really do miss u alot! come hm soon!!!
jAniS..---5ive..closer to me...
jAsoN kong..---hMm..lemme See...wat pervert song suits him..hmmm...original prankster! giv it to mi baby...uh huh uh huh...heehh~~
jEwe||..--- a christian a christian band wld be betta! say..jars of clay~!
jiEqI..---she loves to read~!! iz there a bookworm themesong? haahh~~
joAnna!---mY jie mei~!! haahh...this i promise u..n'sync.. i think she used to love this song last time..
Okieee....i guess tatz all for today~ stay tuned!! i've planned my jogging route! run to phs..then to st nic's..then follow the 76 route..then back home! itz ave 3 to 6 to 4..and back to ave 3..yup! or maybe i'll juz run around the track under the mrt track..itz abit noisy there tho~~ heehh..mmm..the stadium aso can! haahh!!
Friday, May 14, 2004
- 12:51 AM
so tiredd...too tiredddd to bloggg...more entries will come tmr...
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
- 9:44 PM
hmm...i shall continue.. left ouT afew names last time.. so these are add-ons.. hah!
bAoyUn--simPle plAn pErfeCt..
cHihO--westliFe..seasOns iN the sUn..miSsed thOSe gooD ol nPcc dAys..wE suRe diD hAve joy anD fun..
colIn tanG--lFO lifE is goOd..
dillOn--thE distanCe..evaN anD jAroN..
anD froM hEre..i shAll conTinue..
eugenE kOh--alL songs thAt arseNal faN sing..esP during the game..those short songs..yahh
gAry! mE! haha..swIng swIng bY a|| americaN reJects!!
grAce vball de--ehh..saY it isnt so..gareth gates~
haN kiaT aKa hOund dOg..fuNk sOul brothEr..
hAnnAh--drOps oF jupIter..
hong chUan--bYe bYe bYe..nsyNc..thEir traDemaRk sOng! hA!
kk...i think end here for today~
Monday, May 10, 2004
- 3:21 PM
Sunday, May 09, 2004
- 10:03 PM template! i think itz nice..and i think bart resembles mi~! haha..the previous entry i said tt im gonna write which song reminds mi of who goes!! but my fone bk has 246 maybe each day will write 10 peepZ..and startin from the alphabet those ppl with names like pian..last few entrys! not gonna write the title for each person in my fone some of them..nv tok to mi wan! haha!! start off..
anDreW tAn-------boys of the ataris..
andrew yOng..thAt thIng u do..~ haha..cos his "band" sang tt song...
benEdict pAng---supErmaN(itZ not eAsy).. 5 for fighting..
caiLin---hEre withOut U..3 doors dOwn..
chewyEe..hMm...tough wan....err....beautiFul bY snOop dOg..
chiNjung...haha! kylIe miNoguE's cant gEt u ouTta mY hEad..
clEmenT..speedY gonzaLes~!!! haha..lovE hiS actIonS whEn hE doEs tt~!
crystAl(phs nCC)..i lovE it whEn wE dO..ronAn kEatiNg..coS she's juz soooooo cheerful~! hah..
dAddY..hAs to bE aLL of loBo's soNgs..!! he used to sing them! haa!
daniEl chuA...quEen of mY hearT..weStliFe~! tT wAs thE onLy eNg soNg hE sang~!! haha!
edmUnd..mY couSin...thIs shitheAd...lEmmE seE......alOt of SongS ahH~!! too many to lisT liAO..bUT is there a Song callEd..i liKE to buLLy my couSin??????
edWin leoNg..5ive wE wilL rock u!! coS hiS dribbLing roCks~!!
elTon wOng~!! hMm....blUe guilTy~! cOs iTz thE 1st soNg i Sent hiM..
okIe lAH...i thiNk i wiLL enD hEre...hahaha...